A fond farewell to John Greenshields  

 In Farming & land management, National Landscape updates

We were deeply shocked and saddened to learn that John Greenshields had passed away in January.

John Greenshields standing in front of a tractor

John Greenshields

John did much to champion the natural beauty of the Blackdown Hills National Landscape*. He served as deputy chair of the Blackdown Hills Partnership Management Group, was Chairman of Wellington Without Parish Council and a trustee of the Blackdown Hills Trust.

As a down-to-earth farmer and woodsman, he had extensive knowledge and a deep understanding of the countryside. His tremendous can-do attitude, connections with land managers, and practical approach were pivotal in many of the successful and innovative Blackdown Hills projects run over the years. Most notably, the National Trust’s work at Wellington Monument; the role that the Blackdown Hills Trust played in the Neroche Forest; the Blackdown Hills Woodland Association; the Blackdown Hills Wood Fair, and many other projects.

We are very grateful for John’s tireless efforts and his unwavering support for the work of the Blackdown Hills National Landscape Partnership. He will be greatly missed but thanks to his work, the Blackdown Hills landscape is all the richer.

*Blackdown Hills National Landscape is the new name for the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.