Please note, in November 2023 Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) was renamed Blackdown Hills National Landscape. Therefore documents published prior to that time refer to Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Management documents
Management plan
Describes the AONB’s special qualities, explains why the AONB is important, sets out an agreed vision for its future and identifies challenges and opportunities, and how these will be tackled.
Introduction to managing the Blackdown Hills AONB
This guide gives an insight into the special qualities of the Blackdown Hills AONB and briefly sets out our vision and objectives for managing the area.
State of the Blackdown Hills 2021
A report assessing the ‘health’ of the Blackdown Hills protected landscape and trends over time, thereby helping to inform the AONB’s management plan.
State of the Blackdown Hills 2017
A report assessing the ‘health’ of the Blackdown Hills protected landscape and trends over time, thereby helping to inform the AONB’s management plan.
Government review responses
Landscapes review
December 2018
Blackdown Hills AONB’s response to the Government’s review to consider the next steps for National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty sites (AONBs) in England.
Health & Harmony review
May 2018
Our response to the Government’s consultation on the future for food, farming and the environment in England.
Design guide for houses
How buildings and settlements contribute to the character of the Blackdown Hills landscape
Good lighting guide
Light pollution and dark skies in the Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
What makes a view?
An exploration into views of the Blackdown Hills AONB: where they occur; how they’re experienced; how they’re portrayed; how they relate to landscape character; and what’s changing them.
National Planning Policy Framework
Sets out government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied.
Using landscape character assessments in neighbourhood planning
An opportunity to enhance your distinctive local environment and positively shape the place where you live.
Using landscape character assessments in neighbourhood planning
An opportunity to enhance your distinctive local environment and positively shape the place where you live.
Blackdown Hills Heritage Forum
Historic environment report
The historic environment of the Blackdown Hills AONB by Devon county archaeologist, Bill Horner.
Finger posts
A presentation on the importance of Somerset’s traditional fingerposts. South West Heritage Trust, Blackdown Hills Heritage Forum, May 2017. More on Somerset’s fingerpost restoration project
RAF Culmhead
Heritage Environment Programme study of the surviving structures and history of the former RAF fighter station. By Hazel Riley.
Blackdown Hills monasteries
A presentation on the monasteries of the Blackdown Hills by John Allan. Blackdown Hills Heritage Forum May 2017.
Iron working survey
Blackdown Hills iron working survey 2013 – interim report. Cox, M and Gilmour, B.
Aerial Investigation and Mapping Project
An archaeological aerial investigation centred on Blackdown Hills AONB, undertaken between 2016 and 2018.
Historic England field boundary report
An integrated approach to valuing environmental capital & services (boundaries & linear landscape features)