Tim Youngs - Manager - Blackdown Hills National Landscape

As the manager, Tim’s job is very varied. As well ensuring that the Blackdown Hills National Landscape management plan is delivered, Tim is involved in partnership project development and delivery, bringing investment into the Blackdown Hills and providing support and opportunities for communities & businesses.

Tim Youngs, AONB manager

01392 383 608

Working Days

Monday to Friday

Hannah Metson - Finance and office senior administrator

Hannah plans, monitors and manages budgets and the accounting process. She provides secretariat functions to the Blackdown Hills National Landscape Partnership Management Group. Hannah is also responsible for our premises and office management, health and safety, and IT.


01392 383 618

Working Days

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Lisa Turner - Planning officer

Lisa is responsible for the landscape and planning functions in Blackdown Hills National Landscape. She liaises with local planning authorities, responds to planning consultations, develops planning-related guidance and advice, supports community-led planning, and works on landscape character assessments. Lisa also works on developing and reviewing the management plan for Blackdown Hills National Landscape.

Lisa Turner, planning officer

01392 383 612

Working Days

Monday to Friday

Clare Groom - Communications officer

Clare’s role is to communicate the work of Blackdown Hills National Landscape and to promote activities which help people to enjoy and look after the area. She is responsible for Blackdown Hills National Landscape’s website, e-newsletter, social media, online events calendar, visitor information, events and media enquiries.

Clare Groom, Communications Officer, Blackdown Hills AONB

01392 383 613

Working Days

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

Lucy Jefferson - Culm Catchment Officer

Lucy’s role as Culm catchment officer is to facilitate greater flood resilience across six sub-catchments of the River Culm, as part of the wider Connecting the Culm project. Her work involves working with local landowners and communities to identify potential areas requiring improved flood resilience and the use of nature based solutions to slow down water in the catchment to help reduce flooding.

Lucy Jefferson

01392383567 or 07866 212224

Working Days

Monday to Thursday

Jane Robertson - Farm engagement officer - Farming In Protected Landscapes

Jane delivers the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme within the Blackdown Hills. Listening to the community, and the landscape itself she helps farmers and landowners to access funds for management, business or education that meet the needs of climate, nature, people and place.

Jane Robertson standing under a tree in the dappled sunshine and smiling

07814 319 309

Working Days

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings