Rivers Run Through Us – new River Axe nature recovery project

A new project aimed at improving the health of the River Axe and its catchment is set to get underway early next year, thanks to a grant of more than £250,000 from The National Lottery [...]

A fond farewell to John Greenshields  

Here we reflect on John's achievements in the Blackdown Hills, his tireless efforts, and the positive impact he made.

A new name for the Blackdown Hills

Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has a new name – from today we are Blackdown Hills National Landscape.

My week of work experience

This week, we welcomed Lily, a sixth form student from Chard, for a week of work experience with Blackdown Hills and Quantock Hills Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs). Lily shares the [...]

A tribute to the late Paul Diviani

The Blackdown Hills AONB Staff and Partnership pay tribute to the late Paul Diviani, following his death in January.

Chair’s update – April 2022

An update from Bruce Payne, chair of Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership

Supporting community projects

To look after our landscape effectively, we know how important it is to work collectively with other organisations and local communities. That’s why throughout our 30-year history we have done [...]

Chair’s update – October 2021

Bruce Payne, chair of Blackdown Hills AONB Partnership, share's some of the highlights of recent weeks.

Making it Local

In its 30-year history the AONB partnership has been pivotal in securing funds to support the environmental, social and economic development of the Blackdown Hills area. One such initiative was [...]

The making of the Blackdown Hills AONB

On 26 June 2021, Blackdown Hills celebrates 30 years since its designation as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. In the coming months, guest bloggers will be sharing their reflections on the [...]