Does happiness grow on trees?

 In Art & culture, Geting involved, Nature & wellbeing

We believe that experiencing and connecting with natural landscapes and environments makes us feel good and can improve health, wellbeing and happiness.

But how does connecting with natural environments in Somerset make you feel? Enter our competition to tell us how!

Watercolour girl with flowers and sunshine

Image by Prawny from Pixabay

As part of Naturally Healthy May 2019, we are running a competition to gather your artwork – this might be painting, drawing, photography, poetry or creative writing that shows the feeling you get when you spend time within local landscapes and green spaces – getting up close to flowers, mud, plants, insects and wildlife.

Download competition poster

All entries must be submitted by 24 May 2019.

You can submit your entry via email
Or by post to:
Does Happiness Grow on Trees?
Quantock Hills AONB
Fyne Court

If your artwork is a picture, please include a sentence about how nature makes you feel.

We will be displaying some of the works at exhibitions across Somerset, including a finale in September at the Museum of Somerset in Taunton.

There are some great ‘outdoorsy’ prizes on offer including prizes for the best school entries as well as an adult prize. Prize winners will be decided with the help of Taunton Leisure.

Sunlight peeping through tree trunks and across leaf covered forest floor

Dommet Wood. Photo: Liam Marsh