Be prepared whatever the weather
We have typically changeable British weather so always expect the unexpected. West Country weather is generally mild. That said, in a single day the weather can vary quite considerably over a relatively small area of the Blackdown Hills. It’s sheltered in the river valleys, but the plateau and ridge can get quite windy. When it’s misty down in the valleys it can be a clear blue day high on the hills – and vice versa. So, make sure you’ve brought your raincoat and a jumper, along with a bottle of water, your sunhat and lotion.
Relax and enjoy the ride
Talking of mist, we get a lot of it! Don’t let that put you off – it creates some stunning scenes as it drifts gently across the landscape – but do take care while you’re driving. Before you set off check your fog lights as visibility can get very low.
The area is well known for its very high hedge-banks, and many of the roads and narrow and winding. You can expect to come across a variety of road users other than motorists: walkers, cyclists and horse-riders, tractors, pet cats and dogs, wild animals (including deer, pheasants, foxes and badgers), and occasionally livestock. So, it’s time to take your foot off the accelerator, relax and enjoy the drive. Better still, why not explore under your own steam? We’ve got some great routes for walking, cycling and horse riding.
Remember your wellies!
Rain or shine, you won’t go far in the Blackdown Hills without coming across a river, bog or springline mire. Even high on the plateau you’ll find areas where water collects. So, wellies are most often the best footwear.