Yarty Moor, near Otterford, extends over 26 acres. It is a diverse site of springline mire and wet grassland around the source of the River Yarty. The northern valley is amazingly diverse, with bog flora and invertebrates of particular interest.

Type of habitat:
Wet meadows, springline mire.

Look out for:
Ragged robin, star sedge, heath spotted-orchid, greater bird’s-foot trefoil, good butterfly site.

Noteworthy species:
Wood horsetail, marsh lousewort, yellow bartsia, oblong leaved sundew, bogbean, marsh St. John’s-wort, meadow thistle, bog asphodel, keeled skimmer dragonfly.

Somerset Wildlife Trust nature reserve
Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Blackdown Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Managed/owned by:
Somerset Wildlife Trust

Best time to visit:
May to September

Grid reference: ST235159
Nearest postcode: TA20 3QY

Open access. No parking locally.
