Work to repair the Wellington Monument begins

 In Heritage & history

The project to repair the National Trust’s Wellington Monument is taking an exciting step forward as work on site is about to begin.

During October the team will take the first step and begin erecting the scaffolding which will be in place for the duration of the 18-month construction project. The scaffolding has been specially designed for the monument and will be freestanding to ensure the structure is protected.

The scaffolding will be constructed by Apex and will take several months to erect. The plans include a viewing platform at 8 metres high for visitors to experience the view towards the Quantock Hills. Over the winter work will begin with measuring and preparing the stonework. Repair work will get going in spring when warmer temperatures allow lime work to take place, and visitors will be able to get closer to the project on a scaffolding tour.

The repair work is being conducted by specialist contractor, Sally Strachey Historic Conservation who have over 30 years’ experience in the repair and conservation of historic fabric and architectural stonework.

Managing Director of Sally Strachey Historic Conservation, Jake Motley said:

Helen Sharp, Project Manager for the National Trust said:

‘It is exciting to see the project reach this milestone. We are pleased to have the specialist teams on-site and could not have reached this point without the dedication of the local community.’

The project to repair the monument will cost £3.45m, with funding received from many major donors, the Chancellor and money granted through LIBOR funds, Historic England, Highways England and Viridor Credits. It is also with thanks to the community who have also been very generous with their donations that the National Trust has raised a total of £2.8m.

Donations can still be made towards the remaining £650k.

Wellington Monument. Photo: Calnan

Wellington Monument. Photo: Mike Calnan (c) National Trust